Thursday 30 September 2010

Stop Motion

In the name of animation, here's a youtube video that is a couple years old, but still really cool. I don't know a lot about the people who made it (here's the website ) but it looks like they had a great time making it. It's one of those youtube videos that you just have to watch, though most people have probably seen it allready.

I know everything in this video is stop motion animation, except for the letters falling to the bottom of the page.

Speaking of stop motion, here's an honorable mention link to my little cousin's youtube page he makes lego stop motion clips, sometimes with his friends.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Curiosity 2

Each week we are to communicate a word in our sketchbooks, this is a little concept sketch for the word "curiosity"

This week's word is "fall" and I have some different ideas about what I can do with that.

Tuesday 28 September 2010


Yesterday we visited the McManus gallery and museum as part of our Visual Communication's class, looking for things that could spark curiosity. There were a lot of things in there that I found both interesting and fascinating, but the one object that captured my interest the most was this harpoon.

It was the twist in it that made me curious, I wondered if it was part of the design or if it had any reason to it. After reading its information sheet, I discovered the twists had been created by a harpooned whale in its struggle to escape.

Deviant Art

Here's a link to my traditional work (terribly low resolution photographs, sorry) over at Deviant Art

Almost everything posted there is from my time at Shetland College UHI whilst I was doing the Art and Design course there. Some of the pictures are things I've done in my own time, but I tend not to upload those.

Hopefully future uploads will be at a better image quality, but they will still be photographs!

Hello world

I guess I'll start my blog by giving out this link - (sometimes there is quite mature content so I'm not sure if that is safe for work)

It's an art blog I sometimes visit, there's a real variety of stuff posted there. The content is really hit or miss to whether a person will enjoy it or not, but there's always something interesting there!